its the usual Russky''raketa''/sputnik. A few 1000 have been built of them, just like their traincars all same-same. What the pix of course do not show is the interior-and thats the only thing that will intrest you, as you cannot go ...
----- Original Message ---- From: Kerry Burgess To:; Sent: Mon, January 11, 2010 11:53:58 AM Subject: International Terrorist Organization against the US federal government that is ...
On September 11, 2002, however, a select cluster of former senior KGB officers gathered at the Lubyanka to celebrate the 125th birthday of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Soviet domestic and foreign political police. ... so perhaps your vacation condo complex business center is a retreat somewhat out of touch with the unseemly realities of third world cesspools filled with hate/violence that makes the hate/violence (and yes there is a small amount of such here) at ...